WMATA Transit Asset Inventory (TIA)


CSIE’s Electrical and Mechanical engineers and team leaders worked with GFP to advance WMATA’s Transit Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment Project (“TAICA”).  Phase I of the project consisted of producing an   initial   capital   asset   inventory and condition assessment to support the update WMATA’s Capital Needs Inventory (CNI) by the end of calendar year 2016.

Capital needs for the assets include in the assessment were determines over the ten-year period from 2016 to 2026 by determining each asset’s typical service life and year installed. GFP Team’s Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in conjunction with WMATA’s SMEs established an expected typical service life for each asset type in years. A calculated “Next Renewal Year” was determined by adding the typical service life to the year installed subtracted by the current year. However, the calculated Next Renewal Year could be overridden by the assessor if they felt that the value calculated is not representative of the actual condition of the assets. The Remaining Service Life (RSL) was computed either from the Calculated Next Renewal Year resulted in 2016 or earlier, a “Deficiency” for that asset  was created,   which   could   also   be   thought   of   as   the   asset’s   backlog   of   capital needs. CSIE’s engineers completed surveys and assessments of over fifty stations, maintenance facilities, rail complexes and yards, and bus facilities.

Project Highlights:

Location: Various stations throughout the Metro System
Size: Varied by location

Key Project Elements

  • CSIE provided engineering services under the direction of the Gannett Fleming Parsons (GFP) Joint Venture as part of their GAEC Facilities contract
  • According to directions received from WMATA, the condition assessments were performed using a rating scale consistent with the FTA’s Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM) format. TERM rates an asset’s condition on a scale of 5 (excellent), 4 (good), 3 (adequate), 2 (marginal) through 1 (poor)
  • To arrive at an SGR score for each facility, a weighted average was used based on each building system’s relative, typical replacement cost. This methodology has been documented in the overall condition assessment report.